It only seems to happen in the real app I am working on and not within any of the test apps I make.
Its lasted a few Xcode versions. Don't know if this is widespread to the point of having a name?
I can certainly see how many devices hit it but its a but is there enough data here to know if this was a fluke vs "every time x" thing that may be more annoying?
Given at this point my app is only rolled out to a few users the number of devices isn't as useful for telling me which crashes to prioritize. In this screenshot I can tell two devices hit it. But did they only hit it once? Daily?
I have an old app that was pulled from the App Store after my developer account expired (was a free app, wasn't going to pay 99$ a year to keep it up). I would like to revitalize it porting it mostly to swift.
This would be much easier if I could just create a new Xcode project.
However I do want people who previously owned the app to receive it as as a free update/download given they have already purchased it.
If I create a new project. Can I set it to the same bundle identifier and not encounter any problems uploading it to the App Store this way? Or is there some reason this is a bad idea?
It is fairly hard to test this given I am not currently a part of the paid developer program. And additionally I don't want to "test" publishing the app for review.
Does anyone know if this will work out ok? Has anyone done this themselves?
I am trying to create a cross platform application where some of the code is shared among the Android and iOS version and is written in c++ however I am not really sure where to begin with the XCode/iOS/Swift side of things. I can write c++ code but I am not sure where to put it. Most of the tutorials I can find show how to include already compiled c++ code into your project but I want to be able to write it alongside my swift code just like I might do with a bridging header in objective-c.How can I set up XCode so I can edit and compile my c++ code alongside my Swift code?
I have created an app that for now will be iPhone only. I am on a serious crunch to get it released this weekend or potentially never so I can't afford to iterate on review too much.
Although I have set the configuration/project/build to be iPhone only App Store Connect still shows a box for uploading iPad screenshots and I am worried this means there is something wrong.
If I look at my pbxproj file I see this
3C33C170211E2E6A0075A55D /* Release */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
INFOPLIST_FILE = TrilliumRemastered/Info.plist;
OTHER_LDFLAGS = "$(inherited)";
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.calebkierum.TrilliumRemastered;
SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "TrilliumRemastered/TrilliumRemastered-Bridging-Header.h";
name = Release;
No where does it have anything other than TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = 1.
Has anyone had this issue before? If so how did you fix it?